Changes coming to the church grounds

In October, there will be a week in which the landscape of the church grounds will be changing. In order to meet certain City of Newton zoning requirements, the Riverside Children’s Center is building out additional parking space to come into compliance with city requirements. There will be 7 new parking spaces on the hill to the left of the church facing Beacon Street. The current parking space for church staff will be replaced by handicapped parking, and the configuration of parking to the right of the church will change to include a few additional spaces and a change in configuration. There will be added landscaping around the church to include trees on the Beacon street side and several trees will be removed to accommodate the plan.

Please come to the conversation with Moderators this Sunday after church for a full explanation with architectural and landscape renderings to help you visualize these changes.

If you have any questions, please contact Kent Wittler or Alicia Collins.