Community Thanksgiving Dinner 2017
Saturday, November 18, at 2:00 p.m.

We are looking forward to hosting another terrific Thanksgiving Dinner on Saturday, November 18th at 2:00 p.m. in the vestry. Union Church members gather and serve a delicious Thanksgiving meal to local folks who might not otherwise get to enjoy a holiday meal. We organize cookie decorating and other activities for the kids, including a trip to the Angier playground if the weather is nice. We sit down, socialize, and eat with our guests once they have been served. It is a warm and wonderful event, and there are lots of ways you can pitch in. If you know of anyone who might enjoy the dinner, please invite him or her. There are no set criteria – if someone could use a good meal and friendly conversation, then invite him or her! Invitations are available in the side chapel.

If you would like to volunteer to help, then go to this link and sign up.
Thanks so much for your help and support!