The Season of Lent at The Union Church n Waban

The Season of Lent at The Union Church in Waban

In the season of Lent, the scriptures offer us many stories of Jesus encountering people who are seeking. What unfolds is an exchange filled with questions and exploration. Our Lenten series is founded on questions. “Can these bones live?” “Who will you listen to?” “How do we begin again?” Our questions won’t necessarily lead to answers, but we pray they lead to a new beginning, a restoration, a wider grace. 

Like the characters in our Lenten scriptures, we are also seeking many things: clarity, connection, wonder, justice, balance. Throughout this season, we hope you will continually ask yourself: what am I seeking? What is God seeking? We will have resources and a prayer station to help us focus together.

This Lent, we invite you to stay curious, open, and nimble. We hope you will soften your assumptions and expand your perspectives. We pray that these questions will create a safe space to explore—to be drawn more deeply into the fullness of life, into the heart of God.