Weekly Update Friday, April 5, 2024
All-Church Retreat
Tomorrow! Saturday, April 6 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
The Council and Nominating Committee would like to invite you and your family to join us for an all-church, half-day retreat at the Union Church in Waban. We will gather around the theme of "Service and Leadership."
Refreshments and lunch will be provided! There will be spiritual practice, opportunities for fellowship, tools to equip you for your service in the community, and reflections and break-out groups to connect. We hope that everyone will feel inspired and reenergized by the end of the afternoon!
This Sunday
10:00 a.m. Easter II (Hybrid)
Eastertide continues with our theme of Sharing From the Heart, and the Stewardship team will help us as we begin our pledge drive for this year.
Meeting ID: 826 8730 1128 Passcode: 386028 Dial in: 1 646 558 8656
The bulletin is available HERE
Sharing from the Heart 2024 - 25 Pledge Drive
Stewardship season has begun, with our annual pledge drive sharing a theme with Eastertide worship: "Sharing from the Heart." When we share from our hearts, freely, the gifts with which we have been blessed become the foundation for life-giving ministry. Pledging allows this church to boldly claim our covenant and plan for our service within this congregation and out into the world in inclusive, mission-minded, and intergenerational activities.
We ask you to make your annual pledge either by visiting the link HERE, or by filling out a pledge card with one of the members of Stewardship at Reception this Sunday.
Music From Lent to Easter A Congregational Conversation with The Worship Team
Wednesday April 10 at 7:00 p.m. on Zoom
Join the Worship Team next Wednesday, April 10 at 7:00 p.m. on Zoom for an engaging discussion of music as we transition from our Lenten theme of “Dwelling in the Heart of Things” into our Easter theme of “Sharing from the Heart.” Come and share your thoughts on how the music of Lent helped us “Dwell in the Heart of Things” and how our music will help us “Share from the Heart” in Easter and beyond. Many who contributed to our Lenten Playlist (thank you, Jaap and all who contributed) offered personal stories and memories surrounding their music choices. We hope you will add your own stories and memories of the music of Lent and Easter that move your spirit.
We will meet on Zoom HERE.
We hope to see you next Wednesday.
Christ is risen indeed! At Union Church, we welcomed resurrection day with great joy: from sunrise worship to the last egg of the egg hunt (re-hidden by some of the Junior Youth Group members who gave up their own goodies to help a very young latecomer still have an exciting Easter), it was a day of great celebration.
The list of people whom we have to thank for such a beautiful Easter and blessed Holy Week is a long one, but I’m going to take a crack at it anyway. Judy N. and Alan C. for coordinating and placing Easter blooms, and everyone who contributed. Judy N. and all who contributed to reception. Soo L. and David and Jenny S. who stuffed easter eggs and all who contributed candy, plus Greg and Sam F. and Leila Q. who hid those eggs throughout the park. Tom H., who made sure we were all comfortable in the building all weekend. Brian H. and Jim M. who took the offering, and the Mission team for planning and sharing our Easter offering partner. Kevin J., Susan G., Soo L., every member of the bell and voice choirs, Robert C., and the guest musicians who led us in worship. Alex B., who hosted the Easter Zoom so our community could worship together across distance. Everyone who made pottery for us to use, break, and re-use in worship.
Children’s Ministry Associate Ileana M., who helped our children experience the wonder of the week. Music Director Mijin C., who shared and led outstanding musical offerings. Office Manager Aidan C., who produced three beautiful bulletins and four e-blasts in one week, and Holy Folders Judy M. and Jean W. who folded and stuffed some 300+ bulletins across three services. Pastor Amy, who prayed, sang, led worship, dreamed and planned, painted pottery, stuffed eggs, chose books, led mosaic-making, told me how everything works here for Holy Week, and a list of other things too long for the e-blast.
All of these people, and many more I’m sure I haven’t listed, embodied our Eastertide theme of Sharing From the Heart in how you contributed to the vibrant worship and spiritual life of this gathered, resurrection Body. It was truly an Easter to remember, church, and I feel so blessed to have been able to share it with all of you.
Loving God, hear the prayers of your people gathered in this community:
- Prayers of gratitude for all of the joy and celebration of Easter Morning, and all of the effort that went into making it such a great day.
- We pray for healing for Robert Cinnante’s grandmother Carmela following a fall. God, surround her with your healing grace, comfort, and protect her.
- We pray for peace and discernment for Peter Bin, whom members of our church accompany through the Partakers program. Reminded by the story of Jesus’ trial this week, we pray for wisdom and grace for Peter and all people involved in the many aspects of the criminal justice system.
- For all of our unhoused siblings sleeping rough in the cold and wet weather, and for our migrant siblings seeking shelter and safety in our communities.
- For all in our UCW community who are ill, or who are caring for loved ones. For all who grieve, God, we ask for the comfort of your presence.
- We pray for peace for your people all throughout the world. Teach us to beat our swords into plowshares, O God, and to sow wisdom and reap peace, justice, and joy.
We pray to you, grateful for your accompaniment with us in all things. Amen.
If you have other prayers of concern or celebration you
would like lifted up in community, please email
All-Church Gatherings & Adult Formation
Wellspring Women's Ministry
Wednesday, April 24 at 6:30 p.m. (In-Person)
Wellspring will meet again on Wednesday evening, April 24 at 6:30 p.m. We will meet in Littlehale meeting room. It will be a potluck so folks can sign up with our spreadsheet. so folks can sign up with our spreadsheet.
Wellspring is our women's ministry at UCW. We come together to support each other as we journey together in these times.
April Book Group
Tuesday, April 30 at 7:30 p.m. (Zoom)
Please join us in April for our next book group. Our book will be "Rough Sleepers" by Tracy Kidder.
The April zoom link will be posted as the date approaches. If you have any questions, please reach out to Alan Cody ([email protected]).
Caregiving in the (Multi-Layered) Sandwich
Next Meeting: After Worship on April 14
More and more members of our community find themselves caring for loved-ones across the generations -- caring for aging parents, as well as for children, adult children, grandchildren, and others. All are invited to gather for guided discussion, mutual support, and prayer.
Please let Pastor Amy ([email protected]) know if you are interested. We will gather in-person in Pastor Amy's Office.
Intergenerational Community
Children, Youth and Families
Exploring our Faith and High School Youth - THIS SUNDAY - PLEASE RSVP!
EOF Meeting 5-7:30p.m. Dinner Church with Agape Spiritual Community “Baptism as a Spiritual Practice”
As we explore other faiths and ways of worshiping, we will attend a Christian Dinner Church and experience a Baptism and a conversation about Baptism as a Spiritual Practice. This service is held at United Parish Auburndale. Gather at UCW at 5pm if you plan to carpool, or meet at 5:15pm at UPA. This is a potluck dinner. Please RSVP to Pastor Amy if you plan to attend, and let us know if you would like to contribute food.
We have an exciting final calendar for March-July. Please click below to see all that is coming up and plan to join us!
Junior Youth Group - THIS SUNDAY!
The Children’s Ministry Team, with the help of some older youth, lead a schedule of meaningful fun, relationship-building, Christian education, and service-learning events. The calendar is below:
- THIS SUNDAY! April 7 (Sunday, 11:30-12:30 p.m.) - After Church Lunch
- April 28 (Sunday, 11:30-12:30 p.m.) - After Church Lunch
- May 10 (Friday, 6:30-8:0 p.m.) - Dinner and Fun Night (with final prep for Pentecost)
- May 19 (Sunday -Pentecost) - 10:00 a.m. Worship, Receiving Bibles and Celebration Lunch!
UCW Volunteer Opportunities
Sunday Reception Sign-Up
Thank you to the Stewardship Committee for providing the reception this Sunday.
We still need hosts for the following Sunday, April 14, if you are available.
Sign up below to support one of the most impactful ways we build connections and community with each other after worship.
(Simple guidelines listed here also.)
Scripture Reader Sign-Up
If you are joining our Sunday worship, please consider signing up as a Scripture Reader for any of our upcoming services.
Scripture Reader Sign-up: HERE Thank you!
Pastoral Care Connections
Please don't hesitate to reach out to Senior Pastor, Rev. Megan Berkowitz, or Associate Pastor for Youth & Families, Rev. Amy Clark Feldman for prayer or pastoral support.
and her phone is 617-965-3893
Most weeks, Friday is a day of Sabbath for Pastor Megan; Monday is Pastor Amy's day of Sabbath. With a pastoral emergency, please don't hesitate to reach out to either pastor.
We, the members of The Union Church in Waban, true to our founding principle of being an inclusive church, covenant together to nourish and to sustain in our common life and practice a fully welcoming and affirming church for all persons. Welcoming all persons who seek to join with us in a commitment to love God and our neighbors, affirming the inclusive love of Jesus, we are open to all, without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, nationality, ability or economic circumstance. We invite all to full participation in our worship, membership, leadership and life of this church.