Weekly Update Friday, May 10, 2024
This Sunday
May 12 at 10:00 a.m.
Easter VII (Hybrid)
We’re back with our siblings, the saints of the early church, as we read more from the book of Acts in worship this Sunday. We’ll also observe Mother’s Day with a candle table prayer station during the Prayers of the People, and a reception hosted by the UCW men.
Meeting ID: 826 8730 1128 Passcode: 386028 Dial in: 1 646 558 8656
The bulletin is available HERE
“How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity!” – Psalm 133:1
This line from the Psalms has been on my heart this week as I reflect on and take in the amazing day that was last Sunday. From the first silver dollar communion pancake hitting the griddle to the last conversations over evening clean-up, it was a good and pleasant day, made all the more so by how many beloved people of God came together for it.
I invited everyone, in the benediction at the installation service, to mix across the different communities who had gathered. Not only did everyone listen, but it turns out that there were so many connections. People who grew up in this church or had other family ties here experienced a homecoming, while members of this congregation made or were reminded of connections elsewhere.
That’s one of the points of installations. As we celebrate our covenant together, we are reminded that we as a congregation are not alone. We are in covenant with a larger Body, interdependent and accountable in all the best ways. It was a gift to me to see so many people I love all in one service (especially since I got married, graduated seminary, and was ordained during the pandemic!). I pray it is a gift to our shared ministry, as well.
Loving God, hear the prayers of your people gathered in this community,
- We pray for all of our high school seniors as they begin the long season of celebration and discern what comes next for them. We pray for all of our youth and families as they balance the many aspects of school, activities, family life, and spiritual connection.
- We pray for Gerry Elion as she continues to heal from a fall and resulting hip replacement surgery. May Gerry be surrounded by your love and all of ours as she regains her strength.
- For all in our UCW community who are ill, or who are caring for loved ones. For all who grieve, God, we ask for the comfort of your presence.
- We pray for peace for your people all throughout the world. Teach us to beat our swords into plowshares, O God, and to sow wisdom and reap peace, justice, and joy.
If you have other prayers of concern or celebration you
would like lifted up in community, please email
Sharing from the Heart 2024 - 25 Pledge Drive
Stewardship season has begun, with our annual pledge drive sharing a theme with Eastertide worship: "Sharing from the Heart." When we share from our hearts, freely, the gifts with which we have been blessed become the foundation for life-giving ministry. Pledging allows this church to boldly claim our covenant and plan for our service within this congregation and out into the world in inclusive, mission-minded, and intergenerational activities.
We ask you to SUBMIT your PLEDGE HERE or
by filling out a pledge FORM This Sunday
All-Church Gatherings & Adult Formation
May Book Group
Tuesday, May 28 at 7:30 p.m. (Zoom)
Please join us in May for our next book group. Our book will be "On Tyranny -Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century" by Timothy Snyder.
The May zoom link will be posted as the date approaches. If you have any questions, please reach out to Alan Cody ([email protected]).
Caregiving in the (Multi-Layered) Sandwich
Next gathering, Sunday, May 26
More and more members of our community find themselves caring for loved-ones across the generations -- caring for aging parents, as well as for children, adult children, grandchildren, and others. All are invited to gather for guided discussion, mutual support, and prayer.
Please let Pastor Amy ([email protected]) know if you are interested. We will gather in-person in Pastor Amy's Office.
Committee News - Big Announcement!
Yarisleidy is moving to Boston and will join us on Pentecost Sunday, May 19
Yarisleidy Cortez Mayorquin
As part of sharing God’s love and light in the ministry of Nicaragua, the Union Church sponsored its first student, Yarisleidy, to attend college more than a decade ago from San Juan Del Sur, Nicaragua. Yarisleidy graduated with a business degree in 2013. As part of the sponsorship program through our local partner the Brugger Foundation, the students participate in community service and give back to local communities. Yarisleidy thrived in this environment and after graduation worked for the non-profit Communidad Connect where she worked her way up to director of community development.
Over the past decade, Yarisleidy has continued connecting with us as a Church and built relationships with many of the youth and adults who have had the good fortune to travel to Nicaragua. She would often volunteer with us while we were in country and also help us in any way to navigate through our cross cultural service work.
For many years, Yarisleidy had wanted to come to the United States and learn and experience our culture but she was not approved several different times over the years but now I am excited to announce with great joy that she was approved for a two year work visa and will be living in Newton. For those of you who know her personally it will be a great reunion and for those who do not yet know her, I know you will enjoy getting to know her over the next few months and years !!.
Intergenerational Community
Children, Youth and Families
Lock-in with Joint Youth Groups
TONIGHT Friday, May 10; 7:00 - 11:00 p.m. (Overnight optional)
Exploring Our Faith and High Schoolers
Save the Date for a fun evening with our friends at United Parish Auburndale! We'll have dinner, play sardines and other games around the church, have time for some art and other fun, and finish with ice cream!
Exploring Our Faith Final Retreat
Sunday, May 19
EOF students are expected to attend this important retreat as we draw near to our final Confirmation/Baptism Sunday on June 2. Please save the date and stay tuned.
We have an exciting final calendar for March-July. Please click below to see all that is coming up and plan to join us!
Junior Youth Group
The Children’s Ministry Team, with the help of some older youth, lead a schedule of meaningful fun, relationship-building, Christian education, and service-learning events. The calendar is below:
- POSTPONED! Tonight - May 10 - Dinner and Fun Night (with final prep for Pentecost) We'll find a new day to gather soon!
- May 19 (Sunday -Pentecost) - 10:00 a.m. Worship, Receiving Bibles and Celebration Lunch!
UCW Volunteer Opportunities
Sunday Reception Sign-Up
This Sunday, May 12, our Mother’s Day Reception & Fellowship will be hosted by the men of the church!
We still need hosts for Sunday, May 26 and June 30 if you are available.
Sign up below to support one of the most impactful ways we build connections and community with each other after worship.
(Simple guidelines listed here also.)
Scripture Reader Sign-Up
If you are joining our Sunday worship, please consider signing up as a Scripture Reader for any of our upcoming services.
Scripture Reader Sign-up: HERE Thank you!
Pastoral Care Connections
Please don't hesitate to reach out to Senior Pastor, Rev. Megan Berkowitz, or Associate Pastor for Youth & Families, Rev. Amy Clark Feldman for prayer or pastoral support.
and her phone is 617-965-3893
Please Note: Pastor Megan is on vacation beginning Monday, May 13 and returning Monday, May 20. If you have an emergency, please reach out to Pastor Amy.
Most weeks, Friday is a day of Sabbath for Pastor Megan; Monday is Pastor Amy's day of Sabbath. With a pastoral emergency, please don't hesitate to reach out to either pastor.
We, the members of The Union Church in Waban, true to our founding principle of being an inclusive church, covenant together to nourish and to sustain in our common life and practice a fully welcoming and affirming church for all persons. Welcoming all persons who seek to join with us in a commitment to love God and our neighbors, affirming the inclusive love of Jesus, we are open to all, without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, nationality, ability or economic circumstance. We invite all to full participation in our worship, membership, leadership and life of this church.