UCW Logo F-CMYK-2.29.20
Weekly Update
Friday, November 3, 2023

This Sunday

Welcome Sunday

Fall Worship (In Person and on Zoom!)

Sunday, November 5 at 10:00 a.m.

This All Saints Sunday, we’ll remember the gifts of so many who have gone before us and dedicate ourselves to being ‘saints’ for the church of the future. Plus, it’s the end of Daylight Savings Time, so don’t forget to turn back your clocks on Saturday night or else you might miss worship!
Zoom Link: HERE
Meeting ID: 826 8730 1128
Passcode: 386028
Dial in only: 1 646 558 8656

The bulletin is available HERE

From Your Pastors

Rev. Mary Luti wrote this hymn to accompany the communion liturgy we’ll use for All Saints Sunday this week. How beautiful, to remember that we are not alone: not as we walk through our daily lives, and not as we work, together, to build up our little corner of the Kin-dom of God. Though we won’t sing it together on Sunday, you can read it or sing at home. As you do, I invite you to light a candle and speak the name of one of your beloved saints, gone to glory, who you’ll remember as we gather at the table this week.
When Jesus calls his friends to eat,
God's Spirit searches far and wide;
she finds us all and brings us home
for sweet communion side by side.
In numbers small, in powers slight,
in short supply the church appears;
but faith perceives what eyes can't see:
the universe is gathered here.

Here, all the living and the dead,
here, all the saints and angels blessed;
and in profusion, honored guests:
the meek, the shunned, the poor oppressed.
God's church assembles for the Feast
in numbers countless and unknown,
so in this house where Love presides
no child need ever eat alone.

Unbounded by our human time,
untethered to one little space,
God dreams a dream, and it comes true:
for all, belonging and a place!

Prayers of the People

Gracious God, we turn to you in prayer, knowing that you strengthen us in every trial. Be with us, we pray, and for all those who are in need of your healing, transformational love.

  • God, we grieve the senseless loss of life in yet another mass shooting in Lewiston, Maine. Bring comfort to those who grieve, healing to those who were wounded by or witness to the violence, and strength to all those who seek action to prevent any further gun violence in our communities.
  • We pray for peace all throughout the world. For the people of Israel and Palestine, the people of Ukraine, people in every part of the world whose lives are threatened by war and violence. Teach us to beat our swords into ploughshares, o God, and to sow wisdom and reap peace, justice, and joy for all people.
  • For all in our UCW community who are ill, or who are caring for loved ones. For all who grieve, God, we ask for the comfort of your presence.
  • We pray for our high school seniors, who are working hard on college applications and other plans for after graduation, and for their loved ones supporting them.
  • In thanksgiving, God, we rejoice at Jenny’s healing, and her return to worship and community events in person following her cancer treatments.
We pray in the name of Jesus, in whose Way we walk each day. Amen.
If you have other prayers of concern or celebration you
would like lifted up in community, please email
Pastor Megan at [email protected].

UCW Service Opporunities

Volunteer for Fun UCW Service Opportunities!!

The UCW Mission team is often looking for volunteers to contribute
to and enjoy our wide range of service activities and programs.

Fall Clean-Up

Saturday, Nov. 18 from 8:30 a.m. - noon

It’s Time for another outdoor church clean-up! If you regret missing the last one, or you just want to enjoy outdoor fellowship, please come and help.

It won’t take too long as we did so much at the last clean-up. The weeds always win, so we need to keep on top of that! Bring your rakes, and any other items you think could be helpful.

Community Thanksgiving Program: Saturday, November 18

The RSVPs are starting to roll in
but not the volunteers

Volunteers provide take-home thanksgiving meals to families in partnership with the Newton Food Pantry.

We are looking for 12 volunteers
the morning of the 18th .
Please email Alicia if you can help! ([email protected])
Feel free to reach out any time to Mission & Outreach chairs
Kevin Johnson (kjohnson@electionreformers) and Frank Laski ([email protected])
to find a volunteer opportunity for you, or to share ideas about volunteer opportunities.

All-Church Gatherings & Adult Formation

Weekly Bible Study with Pastor Megan

Thursdays at 12:00 p.m. on Zoom

Join Pastor Megan for a weekly, drop-in lunchtime Bible study on Zoom throughout October and November (except 10/19 and 11/23) ! We will discuss the history and context for the given passage each given week, and think together about how this sacred scripture speaks into our own lives and this historical moment.
Zoom Link: HERE
Meeting ID: 863 1718 5274
Passcode: 386028
Dial in only: 1 309 205 3325
We’ll be studying the coming Sunday’s scripture for worship, which means there is no supplemental reading and no issues with missing a week and returning. Whatever your comfort and familiarity with the Bible, you are welcome! All have wisdom to share, and all have new things to learn.
Meeting details are also posted on our website at www.ucw.org.

Caregiving in the (Multi-Layered) Sandwich

This New Group will gather 4 times - Nov to Feb

More and more members of our community find themselves caring for loved-ones across the generations -- caring for aging parents, as well as for children, adult children, grandchildren, and others. All are invited to gather for guided discussion, mutual support, and prayer once a month through the holidays and into Epiphany (in November, December, January, and February).

Please let Pastor Amy ([email protected]) know if you are interested. This will be an in-person group, with a hybrid option if needed. Once she has a list, she will send a Doodle to find the best time and arrange childcare as needed.

November Book Group

Tuesday, November 28 at 7:30p.m. (On Zoom)

Tom Lake by Anne Patchett
Please join us again on November 28 at 7:30 p.m. for our next book group. Our book will be "Tom Lake" by Anne Patchett.

You will find a zoom link and sign-in information below. If you have any questions, please reach out to Alan Cody ([email protected]).
Zoom Link: HERE
Meeting ID: 832 4667 4155
Passcode: 431699
Dial in: 1 646 558 86560

"Quieres aprender español?"

Stay Tuned as Plans are Finalized!

Stay tuned as we finalize plans for Spanish lessons, open to all, coordinated by the Nicaragua committee. Cost and times will be shared soon. Also, please contact David Spertner if you are interested at [email protected]

Mission and Outreach

GBIO Updates

Several GBIO member churches are hard at work putting together In-District Meetings (IDMs) which will illustrate for legislators, through stories and examples, the housing needs and challenges GBIO is working so tirelessly and diligently to address. The organizers of the IDM in Sen. William Brownsberger's district - that's essentially the Fenway (and a sliver of Back Bay), Allston, and Brighton neighborhoods of Boston, plus all of Belmont and Watertown, and the western portion of Cambridge - have contacted UCW to see if any of our members live in Brownsberger's district and are directly impacted by GBIO's issues of affordable homeownership and rentals, public housing, returning from incarceration, and mental health and who would be willing to share their stories, would be interested in joining their leadership team, or would simply be able to attend the Brownsberger IDM (date TBD). Similarly, Sen. Cynthia Creem IDM is hoping that UCW members will attend its IDM (date in January TBD) in support of GBIO's housing initiatives.

Announcing a new Film Discussion Series for everyone!

We plan to offer the opportunity to watch important films as a Congregation to learn from them, as we discuss issues of equity and justice together.

Coming soon: We will begin with a wonderful opportunity. Newton's own film Director, Jame Rutenbeck will lead us in a conversation on his award winning film A Reckoning in Boston.

Stay tuned for the date and time to participate.!
If you would like to learn more about Advocates for Racial Justice activities at the
Union Church, please reach out to Nancy Zollers ([email protected])

Committee News

As many of you know our Church has been sponsoring deserving Nicaraguan high school students on their college journey through one of our community partners the Brugger Foundation .
Our first graduate in 2008 was Yarisleidy Cortez who, later became the Director of Community Development for a local NGO which we have worked with as well. She has continued to be a part of the Church by assisting us on projects when we are in country and also participating in any zoom event she is able to for our Church. We are very proud of her. I am thrilled to take a moment to highlight some of the great work of Comunidad Connect and Yarisleidy in a short video of a recently completed project of theirs. View the Comunidad Connect - Homes For Good video clip HERE or below.

Service Trip

The 2023-2024 will not be a sanctioned trip year for the Church as we traveled last year and served the community at both our sister Church Alpha y Omega and the Maria Auxiladora School. At Church we prayed, broke bread, served the hungry and played games with the children. At the school we painted, provided electricity, coordinated a clean water storage with a pump and most assuredly made some new friends during all our travels. We will continue the mission work here at home this year with some programming and support from a far.

We look forward to our next service trip to Nicaragua in February 2025!

Intergenerational Community

Children, Youth and Families

Introducing Ileana Miller!

Our new Children's Ministry Sunday Associate

We are delighted to share the news that UCW has a new member of our Children's Ministry staff! Ileana Miller graduated from Newton North last year, and is now a student at UMass Boston, living in Newton. She has experience working with children at the All Newton Music School, and also serving elders at a nearby assisted living center. She will partner in leading our Sunday School, and possibly providing care/teaching at other times, as well. We hope to welcome Ileana as early as this Sunday, Nov. 5th, and definitely before the end of the month. Please join us in making her feel welcomed!

Sunday School and Children's Ministry

Next Leaders' Meeting: Nov. 5 after worship

We are very excited for a new year with our Children's Ministry and Sunday School! We'll be sharing new Bible stories, age-appropriate spiritual practices, and service opportunities with our kids of all ages this year, and hope you and yours will be part of it! Our Children's Ministry planning and leadership team will meet in Pastor Amy's office after worship on Nov. 5 -- all are invited!

Please fill out a registration form below for your children/youth so we can make this year a great experience for them.

Youth Group and Exploring Our Faith

November Overnight Retreat Registration

All High Schoolers are also invited to the Youth Retreat: Sabbath in a Modern Age at Silver Lake in CT on Nov. 10-12. Our registration was submitted, but there are still a few spaces, so please let Pastor Amy know if you can come if you haven't already. You can find out more about the retreat HERE, and see the full Youth Group calendar below.

Next EOF Meeting - Mentors Invited

Sunday, Nov. 5th from 5:00-7:00 p.m. (Mentors gather at 4:30 p.m.)

Our High School Exploring Our Faith group is in full swing! All EOF students are invited to our next meeting, along with any HS juniors, seniors, or mentors that would like to come eat dinner, explore faith in our world today, and share spiritual practices.

UCW Volunteer Opportunities

Sunday Reception Sign-Up

Thank you to Jane & Rob Purser for hosting our reception this Sunday!

The next Sunday that we need a volunteer for is November 26. Please consider signing up if available.

Sign Up HERE today
(Simple guidelines listed here also.)

Scripture Reader Sign-Up

If you are joining our Sunday worship, please consider signing up as a Scripture Reader for any of our upcoming services.

Scripture Reader Sign-up: HERE Thank you!

Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care Connections

Please don't hesitate to reach out to Senior Pastor, Rev. Megan Berkowitz, or Associate Pastor for Youth & Families, Rev. Amy Clark Feldman for prayer or pastoral support.
Pastor Megan's email is
[email protected]
and her phone is 617-965-3893
Pastor Amy's email is [email protected]
and her phone is 617-938-8112
Friday is a day of Sabbath for Pastor Megan; Monday is Pastor Amy's day of Sabbath. With a pastoral emergency, please don't hesitate to reach out to either pastor.

Our Covenant

We, the members of The Union Church in Waban, true to our founding principle of being an inclusive church, covenant together to nourish and to sustain in our common life and practice a fully welcoming and affirming church for all persons. Welcoming all persons who seek to join with us in a commitment to love God and our neighbors, affirming the inclusive love of Jesus, we are open to all, without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, nationality, ability or economic circumstance. We invite all to full participation in our worship, membership, leadership and life of this church.
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