Weekly Update Friday, November 11, 2022
Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost
November 13 at 10:00 a.m. (in Person & Online)
Our sharing and learning from the All Church retreat will seep into worship this day as we go deeper into the story of Peter walking on the water moving toward Jesus.
Pastor Amy will be at the overnight retreat with the youth this Sunday morning. Please see the Youth and Families section below for details.
To join Sunday Worship on Zoom:
Zoom Link: HERE Meeting ID: 826 8730 1128 Passcode: 386028 Dial in only: 1 646 558 8656 The bulletin is available HERE
More service details HERE
Sunday, November 20 (In Person and on Zoom)
We will celebrate Thanksgiving including honoring ministries in the community that have concluded their season. Our focus scripture will be Luke 17: 11 - 19 and give us pause to reflect on gratitude.
First Sunday in Advent Hanging of the Greens
November 27, 10:00 a.m. Worship
Join us for this joyous and interactive service for all ages! We'll gather for worship, favorite carols, and Christmas stories as we decorate the sanctuary with wreaths, poinsettias, holly, and our Christmas tree. We invite you and your family to start this Advent season with hope, peace, love, and joy!
From Generation to Generation
This year, our theme for Advent is "From Generation to Generation," as we share the story of Christmas through the generations and remember that God is always with us.
Your Dedications and Family Photos
As we connect through generations, we invite you to dedicate this service to someone you would like to remember or honor this season. Due to supply issues we are unable to have our usual Greens Sale with dedications, but invite you to click below to fill in the dedication form, and we will add all dedications to the bulletin and to our Advent Prayer Station. We also invite you to share photos of generations of your family and loved ones. You can either bring a copy of your photo(s) to worship, or upload photos into the Google folder linked below. Please remember to label your photo if you would like us to identify who it is.
This past week the search committee has made a turn towards spreading the word about our open pastoral position. We have been meeting since mid-September and accomplished the following:
- Processed the discernment of Pastor Amy declining consideration of the Senior Pastor role.
- Communicated our status to American Baptist and United Church of Christ partners.
- Completed the Local Church profile and prepared for the public phase of the search.
- Sent the Local Church profile to United Church of Christ staff for validation.
- Met with United Church of Christ staff to understand next steps in the process.
- Scheduling a mock interview to prepare to meet candidates.
We appreciate your continued prayers and support. Stay tuned for word that we are listed and entering the confidential phase of considering pastoral candidate profiles.
All-Church Gatherings & Adult Formation
Fall Clean-Up
Saturday, Nov. 19 from 8:30 a.m. - noon
It’s Time for another outdoor church clean-up! So, if you regret missing the last one, or you just need to be together again, please come and help. It won’t take too long as we did so much at the last clean-up. The weeds always win, so we need to keep on top of …
Community Thanksgiving Dinner
November 19 from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.
Due to renovations inside the building, the Union Church in Waban will once again hand out "Thanksgiving Dinners To Go," instead of hosting an in-person event. Dinners may be picked up on Saturday, November 19 between 12:00 and 1:00 p.m. at 14 Collins Road, Waban, MA 02468. If you know of anyone who would appreciate a meal, please have them contact Alicia Collins at 617.784.4825 or [email protected].
We need volunteers to help package the meals between 10 :00 a.m. and noon in the church kitchen, and then others to hand out the meals between 12:00 and 1:00 p.m. You can hop between volunteering at the clean-up and the dinner! We may also need a couple of drivers to deliver meals. If you would like a job that you can do at home on your own, that can be arranged too! Please reach out to Alicia to volunteer. Thanks so much.
UCW Book Group (Zoom)
Next Meeting - November 29 at 7:30 p.m.
The Great Spiritual Migration by Brian McClaren
Please join us on Tuesday, November 29 at 7:30 p.m. for our next book group meeting. We will be reading The Great Spiritual Migration by Brian McClaren. You will find a zoom link and sign-in information below. If you have any questions, please reach out to Alan Cody ([email protected]) Zoom Link: HERE Meeting ID: 832 4667 4155 Passcode: 431699 Dial in: 1 646 558 8656
Children Youth and Families
This Sunday & Coming Up in November
Kids and Youth
Retreat Weekend! Saturday
Saturday, Nov. 12 to Sunday, Nov. 13
We're excited to have so many joining the All-Church Retreat this Saturday, and so many youth staying for the overnight! If you aren't able to come on Saturday, please plan to come Sunday morning, as Pastor Wendy will share the spirit and messages of the Retreat during worship. Pastor Amy will be with the youth on retreat, returning to the church with the youth by 11:30 a.m. Our Children's Ministry staff member Olivia will lead our kids in our Prayground during the intergenerational service.
Church Clean-up and Thanksgiving Community Dinner
Sat. Nov. 19 - Service Event for Youth!
We hope all youth (and kids of all ages!) will come lend a hand at the Clean-up and/or Thanksgiving Dinner! These are both such meaningful and fun opportunities to serve our community and neighbors.
Drum Making, Music, and The Mitten Tree
Sunday School - Sunday, Nov. 20
In Sunday School kids will be invited to join Music Director Mijin Choi to learn the song of the Little Drummer Boy, and make drums. As we give thanks for all we have, we will also prepare paper mitten ornaments for our Mitten Tree, which invite families to purchase gives for our siblings in transitional housing with Project Care & Concern. Advent begins on Nov. 27 with the Hanging of the Greens, a joyous service for all ages.
Coming in Advent
Kids & Families
We have an Advent season full of peace, hope, joy, and love ahead for children and families, and we hope you and yours will join us! Please be sure to mark your calendars:
Advent 1
Hanging of the Greens!
Sunday, Nov. 27, 10:00 a.m. worship
Come Deck the Halls in this joyous service for all ages. Kids are invited to participate in hanging wreaths and decorating the Christmas Tree.
Advent 2
Preparing to Tell the Story! with Advent Wreath and Star-Making
Sunday, Dec. 4, 10:00 a.m. worship
In Sunday School, we'll remember the Christmas Story and get our costumes ready for the pageant on the Sunday Nov. 11, before returning to share Communion. Following worship, families are invited to cocoa and cookies, as we make Advent wreaths and shining stick Stars to bring the light of Advent back to our homes.
Advent 3
All-Ages Telling of the Christmas Story!
Dec. 11, 10:00 a.m. worship
Kids and grown-ups of all ages are invited to join in this beloved, fun, and informal telling of the Christmas Story. Costumes will be available the morning of, for any who want to join in - no rehearsals or sign-ups necessary - just a Spirit of joy and Christmas!
Christmas Eve
Saturday, Dec. 24 at 6:00 p.m.
We hope all families will join us for this special service for all ages of lessons and carols, with a candle-lit singing of Silent Night, and interactive elements for little ones.
Please Note - Pastor Amy has a new email address!
As we continue to do the good work of organizing our technology and other systems (i.e. getting our ducks in a row), we're updating our email addresses. Pastor Amy can now be reached at [email protected]. Emails to [email protected] should forward to that new address, but please feel free to text or call at 617-938-8112 if you have any trouble reaching her via email.
Nicaragua - Twentieth Anniversary of Our First Trip
Sharing God’s Love and Light in The Ministry of Nicaragua at the Union Church
2023 will mark an important milestone for our work in Nicaragua. We will be celebrating the twentieth anniversary of our first trip. More than 100 people have participated in our service trips and more than 100 people have participated back home in so many important ways. The intergenerational and wide reaching congregational support has been truly amazing and it is a perfect time for a celebration.
Keep on the lookout for details to follow on our twentieth anniversary event !
Newton Freege: Union Church Serves Once a Month
Despite Newton’s image as an affluent suburb, too many of our neighbors struggle to put food on their tables. The Newton Freedge is one way we can help. A free, 24/7 outdoor refrigerator and pantry, the Freedge provides free food and personal supplies to anyone who needs them. And our team of volunteers helps keep it running every other Saturday. Please reach out to Vinita Leslie, Karen O'Beirne or Erika Pond to learn more or to join our team. You may also find us our Facebook group - @newtonfreedge Facebook group for updates!
Sunday Reception Sign-Up
Every Sunday after worship we gather on the stage for a time of fellowship. This reception is hosted each Sunday by different members of the congregation.
Reception Sign-up: HERE Thank you!
Scripture Reader Sign-Up
If you are joining our Sunday worship, please consider signing up as a Scripture Reader for any of our upcoming services.
Scripture Reader Sign-up: HERE Thank you!
Pastoral Care Connections
During this time of transition, please know that your church is here for you. Please don't hesitate to reach out to Pastors Wendy or Amy for prayer or pastoral support:
Mondays are days off for both pastors. If you have a pastoral need, please reach out to Pastor Wendy this week.
We, the members of The Union Church in Waban, true to our founding principle of being an inclusive church, covenant together to nourish and to sustain in our common life and practice a fully welcoming and affirming church for all persons. Welcoming all persons who seek to join with us in a commitment to love God and our neighbors, affirming the inclusive love of Jesus, we are open to all, without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, nationality, ability or economic circumstance. We invite all to full participation in our worship, membership, leadership and life of this church.