The Union Church in Waban Annual Stewardship Campaign
What's Possible?
Dear Union Church Family and Friends,
Our season of Stewardship this year leans into building a resilient future for Union Church in Waban (UCW). As we hold up all the good work of the transition team and search committee, we pray that we will have in our midst by September, a new settled pastor. What a cause for celebration and joy of what we will have accomplished during this transition. It has been hard work and we should take stock in how far we have come.
We would like to thank Pastor Wendy for her methodical and judicious guidance on this transition, thank her for her service and wish her and Joanne well in their next church and move to Minnesota.
We must not forget the pain and suffering this Covid period has had on the congregation. We have lost loved ones, navigated Covid protocols and faced much uncertainty. Yet, this is just the beginning of a post-Covid renewal. To lay the foundation for this renewal and to welcome a new pastor, we are asking an expansive and generative question. What's possible? What is it we can imagine as our future? Let it be so.
As we look ahead, what do our congregants see? A church that is a vibrant center for our community, in a building that is carbon neutral; a church where our intergenerational welcome sees GenZs and Millenials in service with our elders and young ones; a church where the vibrancy of our music fills the air and the power of our mission reaches through our membership, into Newton and beyond.
From this deep well of inspiration we know all things are possible with God. But these investments will not all be made in one year. We will look out 3, 5, 10, 15, 20 or 25 years from today and ask. Have we made the investments that leave a legacy of deepening our faith, serving our community, preserving our building, and walking humbly with our god? Will we do justice and shepherd a new generation of congregants that will know the sustenance this visioning will engender? Our budgets going forward will reflect this visioning. We hope you will join us in this renewal. What's possible you ask? Everything is possible with God.
As always, all gifts are deeply appreciated and are integral to the continuing of this vibrant faith community. You can make a pledge now online or join us to celebrate Stewardship Sunday on March 26th where we will bless all our commitments.
You can complete and return your 2023-24 pledge form online HERE.
The UCW Stewardship Committee
Kent Wittler (chair), Karen Weisgerber, Karen O’Beirne, Rob Purser