Worship (Online & In-person)
Sunday, October 3
World Communion Sunday

This Sunday we are blessed to have Rev. Cindy Maybeck, an inspiring and accomplished preacher, share our pulpit. Founder of Spirit Story ministry, Rev. Maybeck designs original presentations blending scripture telling and storytelling to bring God’s word to life and to inspire the church to move forward in faith with hope and joy. She tells the Gospel by heart as it was first told in the early church. To receive the word spoken with love transforms our understanding of the Bible as a living instrument of God’s grace. Her sermons are filled with stories and you will be transfixed and perhaps touched with laughter or even shed a healing tear. Learn More

Worship (Online & In-person)
Sunday, September 26

Join us in person (masked, distanced) or online as we find joy, peace, connection in worshiping together. This week we are blessed to commission our 9th and 10th graders on a year-long exploration of their faith, as they consider baptism, confirmation, membership, and their continued faith journey. We are delighted that both our Choir and Bell Choir will again share the gift of their music in-person. As our youth embark on a year of asking questions of their faith, we will consider what it means when Jesus tells the disciples, “ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find.” Learn More