Join A Team -Backup

There are many ways to give of your time and talents. Please consider joining one of our governance teams. Our team members often say they get more than they give.


Lay led governance

Co-Moderators, Alison McCarty and Frank Laski.

Contact: [email protected]

Building & Grounds

Helps preserve and protect our beautiful sanctuary, buildings, and grounds; prioritizes repairs; promotes “green” conservation decisions; and determines priorities for our outside areas.

Contact: Judy Nagle

Children & Youth Ministry

Develops and nurtures children’s and youths’ education and programming with the Associate Pastor for Youth and Families.

Contact: Amy Clark Feldman, Associate Pastor for Youth and Families [email protected]


XXX descriptions/purpose

Contact: Annie Gatewood  [email protected]


Support the spiritual work of the church; assist the Pastor; prepare the sanctuary for all services including communion and special services; and are aware of and lead member outreach including all issues of care and concern.

Contact: Jim MacDonald [email protected]


Consists of representatives from Council, Deacons, the music program and christian education, the music director and pastors, and others at large from the congregation to craft meaningful and inclusive worship.

XXX who is lead/need contact info

Human Resources

Support issues relating to staff.

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Internet Communications/ Technology 

Assesses, refines and manages the church website in order to attract new members to the congregation. Helps create useful online services for our community such as a member directory and recorded sermons.

XXX who is lead/need contact info

Mission Outreach

Responsible for the promotion of a general interest in the mission programs of the church. Seeks out ways in which our Christian faith apply to concerns of our society locally, nationally, and intergenerationally, and develops programs for education, discussion and action for church participation.  examples

Jaap Van Reijdam

Pastoral Relations

Assists in fostering a healthy relationship between our pastors and the congregation in order to enhance the effectiveness of the church’s mission.

Alicia Collins (Stacy’s PRC); Anya Bassett (Amy’s PRC)

Reception/Coffee Hour

Coordinator, Vinita Leslie

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Retreat Planning

XXX descriptions/purpose

Tom Vawter


Manages and invests the funds of the church; leads the solicitation of funds for the support of the church; and with the Treasurer prepares budget for submission to the annual meeting of the church.

Karen Weisgerber

Teaching Parish

Meets monthly with our student intern to support and enhance their ministerial learning.

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