Advocates For Racial Justice
Responding to our call as Christians to see the image of God in all people, and to seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God, we pledge to each other and the Union Church congregation to be faithful Advocates for Racial Justice. We will engage our congregation and the larger community in continuing study and conversation about ideology of white supremacy at its root. We want to unmask and oppose the racism that divides the people of God from one another, unfairly empowering some and not others, in our personal relationships, community, state, and nation. Martin Luther King, Jr., said that “true peace” is “the presence of justice.” Bryan Stevenson of the Equal Justice Initiative says, “We must acknowledge the truth about our history before we can heal.” This is our main purpose: to seek, understand, and proclaim the truth about our history—specifically, about slavery and white supremacy—so that we can be properly reconciled to one another and prepare the way for true peace, which is the presence of justice.
Our mission translates into action through movie nights, educational forums, local and Alabama pilgrimages, and advocacy for legislation.
Housing Justice
Our church has felt called to pray with our feet in order to respond to housing needs, inequities, and discrimination that leaves our neighbors excluded, forced out, and even homeless. Our mission has been to seek a more just world where families and individuals have access to safe housing, welcoming community, and the support they need to thrive. We have felt called to amplify this work by partnering with other Houses of Worship to create systemic changes in housing policy and creating affordable, accessible housing of all kinds for everyone who wants to live in Newton.
To learn more about the Advocates for Racial Justice and our work for housing justice, contact Nancy Zollers.