November 20 Update


We invite you to worship with us this Sunday, November 22, Thanksgiving Sunday. The minister will be The Rev. Jeff  VonWald, currently serving in the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life at Harvard Divinity School. Rev. VonWald’s sermon is titled "How Shall We Give Thanks?" The Bell choir will offer "A Song of Thanksgiving" by Natalie Sleeth.

CLEAN-UP DAY: This Sat., Nov. 21 is the rain date for our church clean-up. We will be focused on the pile of leaves from this season, front and back. Any and all help greatly appreciated.

THE THANKSGIVING COLLECTION this Sunday is collected for Communities Without Borders. Please use the offering envelopes in each pew, or mark your check (made out to The Union Church) for the Thanksgiving Collection.
THE SHARED HEART SCRIPTURE STUDY will be  offered after worship on Sun., Nov. 29. We will discuss what the Bible says about heterosexuality, homosexuality, the city of Sodom and its portrayal of marriage; as well as study both the Hebrew and New Testament scripture in a loving, respectful and peaceful manner.
CANDLELIGHT AND CAROLS: On Sunday, Dec. 13 at 5:00 p.m. a Christmas concert will be presented by the Union Church Choir and soloists in the sanctuary.  Festive  anthems and solos, excerpts from Handel’s "Messiah," and a Carol sing for the audience will be offered. A free will offering will be collected to support the music ministry of the Union Church. All are invited.
WREATH & POINSETTIA  SALE: All orders for decorating the sanctuary, or for personal use, must be submitted by Sunday, 29th at church or via email to [email protected]. Order forms are available in your Sunday bulletin.

THE CHURCH OFFICE will be closed on Thurs., Nov. 26 and Fri., Nov. 27 for Thanksgiving.

SOCK HOP FOR HEIFER will take place on Sun., Dec. 6 following the worship service. Please mark your calendars!