Cancellation Policy for Worship Services and for Activities Scheduled on Sundays

in the case of inclement weather.

 The following policy was approved by Council at its October 2010 meeting:

 RESOLVED THAT:  Any worship service (Sunday, or special mid week service) or any Union Church-related activity scheduled to take place at the church on a Sunday will be canceled if there is a 'snow emergency parking ban' in effect for the city of Newton. 

 The Deacon of the Month will alert the congregation of a cancellation by 7:00am of the day the service is scheduled through the following communication avenues:

    • an outgoing phone message in the church office indicating that the worship service and other church-related activity scheduled for [specific date] has been canceled [NOTE: The outgoing phone message will include, as appropriate, a statement that any special collections scheduled for the cancelled worship service or other church-related activity will be collected at the next worship service or rescheduled activity.  If the timing of the collection is important, the message will ask that donations be sent or delivered directly to the church office as soon as possible]; and
      • a listing of “Union Church in Waban” on the WBZ, Channel 4, "Stormforce Cancellation" scroll broadcast on the bottom of the TV screen.

       All church committees are encouraged to keep this policy in mind when scheduling guest speakers and other church-related activities.

       If a snow emergency parking ban happens on a NON –SUNDAY (ie Mon-Sat), then the person responsible for leading whatever activity has been scheduled is responsible for deciding whether to cancel his/her planned activity. 

       The above applies just to the Union Church in Waban and does not cover use of the building during snow emergencies by our tenants.