Weekly updates for February 10, 2012

The More Than Words Book Drive continues.

Donations may be left in the boxes in the side chapel.

Xenia Barahona from The Center for Global Education will speak to us about Nicaragua Sunday on the stage. Join the Nica travelers for this informative event.

The Nicaragua trip departs on February 17th. Follow their journey on Facebook:

http://www.facebook.com/pages/Union-Church-In-Waban/140438821719 and on their blog http://ucw-nicaragua.blogspot.com/.

Stacy will be traveling to Nicaragua as well and will be gone from February 17 to February 28. For pastoral needs, contact Deacon of the Month, Wanda Getchell.

If anyone has any used or new baseball gloves they would like to donate for the youth of Nicargua, please contact David Spertner.

Youth Group meets this Sunday from4:00-5:30 p.m. We will use our bake sale money to go shopping for supplies for the trip to Nicaragua. Kids need to come with a permission slip for the shopping trip. If you have a large capacity vehicle you can lend Kathy for this shopping excursion, please let her know.

Prayer Group meets Monday mornings at7:30 in the side chapel. While Stacy is in Nicaragua, Sandra DaDalt will lead on February 20, and Heidi Ward on February 27.

The Mission and CE Committees are looking for a group of adults and kids to deliver Valentine gifts to the residents of the Waban Health Center at their Valentine party on Valentine’s Day afternoon, Tuesday, February 14. We will be taking soaps (made by our kids) and paperwhites (planted by our kids). If you can go, let Kathy Malone know.


Bible Study will not meet on February 19, but will resume on February 26

and will be led on that day by Heidi Ward.

One time helpers are needed for the Sunday School on February 26 and March 4. We have one room church schools on these days. No preparation is necessary. Just show up and assist. Let Kathy know if you can help.