Companions on the Planet:
A Celebration of Trees and Tree Planting
Creator of mountain grandeur and meteor showers,
You are ever at work in the infinite space of the universe,
and in the smallness of each ant, beetle, butterfly and bee.
We marvel at your majesty
yet are awestruck at the intricate simplicity of life:
Dew glistening on spider’s web,
bird song jubilant,
each new day a miracle dawning.
Today we give You thanks for trees:
We rest in their shade;
breathe in their oxygen;
feast on their fruit.
Trees anchor the ground beneath our feet
and purify the air around us:
their cycles are a silent, faithful witness
to your goodness and providence.
We give You thanks for all life on earth nourished by trees!
Let your presence be known among us today
as we plant trees of every variety.
Bless them with growth, and bless us with wisdom
to nurture growth throughout the world
of these life-sustaining companions on the planet.
We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, our True Vine.
The Arbor Day movement was started in Nebraska in 1872. This prayer is written by Rodger Goode, pastor of a Nebraska City United Church of Christ Congregation.
Companions on the Planet, A Celebration of Trees and Tree Planting, was originally written as a prayer for Arbor Day during the UCC’s Fifty Great Days of Mission 4/1 Earth in 2013. It was written by the Rev. Rodger Goode, pastor of Bethel United Church of Christ in Nebraska City, NE.
Copyright 2013 Local Church Ministries, Congregational Vitality and Discipleship Ministry Team, United Church of Christ, 700 Prospect Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115-1100. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt this material for use in services of worship or church education. All publishing rights reserved.