Story (from Illustrated Ministry) – Feeding of 5000
Jesus and the disciples had been working hard, with many people coming and going and no time to eat. Jesus told them, “Come by yourselves to a quiet place and rest for a while.” They all left in a boat to go there. Many people saw them leaving and ran ahead so they would be there when Jesus and the disciples arrived. When Jesus got there and saw the big group, he felt compassion on them because they were like sheep with no shepherd. He started teaching. Late in the day, the disciples said, “This place is isolated and it’s late. Send the people away so they can go buy something to eat.” “You give them food,” Jesus said. But the disciples said, “Should we buy food that costs eight months pay in order to feed them?!” Jesus said, “How much bread do you have?” “Five loaves and two fish,” they said. Jesus told them to seat all the people in banquet fashion on the grass. Jesus took the food, gave thanks, broke the bread and fish into pieces and gave it to the disciples. The disciples set it before the people and everyone ate until they were full. There were twelve baskets of leftovers. About five thousand people ate.
- What would it have been like to be one of the people in the crowd?
- How does Jesus meet their spiritual and physical needs?
- How does God provide enough or more than enough for you in your life?
- What does our church do to help those who don’t have enough? How can you get involved or create new ways of helping those in need? (Remember that we are collecting donations for the Food Pantry and making sandwiches for Common Cathedral all month!)
- Color the Illustrated Ministry Page (CLICK for an online copy – This page is also in your Prayground Box) Each poster has a word, phrase or portion of the biblical passage incorporated into the design. Many of the story’s elements are integrated into the coloring design, and it may be fun to search out as many symbols as you can!
- Participate in our collection for the Centre Street Food Pantry’s Kid’s Club Fill-A-Bag Food Club. CLICK HERE for a shopping list. You can bring your bag to the green bins outside the church, or to any youth or children’s in-person gathering at UCW this month.
- Make a card or sign for Common Cathedral! Each week we bring sandwiches and granola bars to our friends at Common Cathedral, the outdoor church downtown. We share food with anyone who is hungry, and can share God’s love in other ways too! Make a card or sign of love and encouragement that we can share! You can bring it to the green boxes outside the church or Pastor Amy can pick it up.
Pray: Go around your family and share one thing you are grateful for; and at least one thing or person you would like to remember in prayer this week. OR Share this prayer: Compassionate Christ, You care tenderly for us in mind, heart, and body. Please open our eyes to the needs of those around us today and make us your hands – like the disciples’ – in serving those needs in your name. Amen.