From Our Pastors

Rev. Megan

Rev. Amy
Clark Feldman

Pastor Amy
January 12, 2024

The New Year often brings reflection about time. We say goodbye to the past year – sometimes gladly, sometimes with sadness. We welcome a new year, sometimes with hope, sometimes with trepidation. It can be a time for, if not resolutions, reflection, intention-setting, and preparation for the year ahead. A friend’s preparation includes putting a large clean empty mason jar in the center of her kitchen table each New Year’s Day. She adds carefully-cut slips of blank paper and a newly-purchased marker to a tray next to it. Whenever a member of the family feels grateful over the next 365 days – for something as small as a bee or as big as good health – they write it on a strip of paper and put it in the jar. New Year’s Eve is spent reading every slip of paper. My friend’s preparations of washing the mason jar, cutting paper, buying a pen, could seem insignificant, but pave the way for a year full of gratitude, blessing, and sharing with family.

Beloved, the year ahead promises to hold much for us – grief and gladness; fear and hope; love and good work. Among the many ways your pastors and staff have been preparing is by doing the church equivalent of cutting paper and cleaning mason jars – small acts that we hope will pave the way for connection, love, and meaningful ministry.

We need your help. Over the coming two weeks, can you please:

  1. Look yourself up in the Directory, and make sure your information is current and correct – and includes a PHOTO. You can use THIS LINK (CLICK HERE) to get instructions and connect. OR send updates to Aidan at [email protected] with “Directory” in the email heading. OR
  2. Visit our Directory Station during Reception after Worship in January. We’ll have a table with a computer, helper, and camera ready to help with updates.
  3. Share news and prayers in our weekly e-Newsletter – due each Wednesday at 9am. Please help us connect to one another and our ministries by sending prayers you would like to include to Pastor Megan ([email protected]) and news to Aidan ([email protected]) by Weds morning.

“There is a season for all activities under heaven.” We are grateful to share them all – big and small – with you.
With Blessings and Peace,
Pastor Amy

Past Posts

  • From Our Pastors
    Pastor Amy
    July 19, 2024
    On Thursday, July 18, travelers and members of UCW gathered to share learnings, photos, and stories from our recent service trip to Puerto Rico.  The trip at the end of June was transformative for the 20 members (mostly high school and college youth) who travelled.  Learn More
  • From Our Pastors – July 19, 2024
    Pastor Megan
    July 5, 2024
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  • From Our Pastors – June 28 2024
    Pastor Megan
    June 28, 2024
    I was away from church last Sunday for a triathlon – my first race in about 12 years – and I felt as though I’d been transported to the Kingdom of God for the morning. I had forgotten how energizing the warmth and collegiality that surrounds a race can be. Learn More
  • From Our Pastors: Pastor Amy – May 17
    Pastor Amy
    May 17, 2024
    What a joy to arrive at the day of Pentecost in this month of Pastor Megan’s installation! Beloved, this Sunday we celebrate the arrival of the Holy Spirit. We remember the life-giving, energy-giving, boundary-breaking power available to us all as members and friends of the church. Learn More
  • From Our Pastors
    Pastor Megan
    May 10, 2024
    From the first silver dollar communion pancake hitting the griddle to the last conversations over evening clean-up, it was a good and pleasant day, made all the more so by how many beloved people of God came together for it. Learn More
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  • From Our Pastors – April 26, 24
    Pastor Megan
    April 26, 2024
    This week, I am on a professional development trip to Chicago, studying congregation vitality and spending time with other pastors from throughout the country. We are learning from non-traditional church settings, but the lessons these settings teach are ones that all communities can benefit from: how vital congregations remain focused on their “why,” rooted deeply in their shared faith. Learn More
  • From Our Pastors – April 19, 2024
    Pastor Amy
    April 19, 2024
    This past week, I traveled to Valley Forge, PA for a 3-day conference entitled “Space for Grace: Engaging Intergenerational Faith.” The conference was hosted by the same organization that is organizing our mission trip to Puerto Rico, the American Baptist Home Mission Society. ABHMS is strongly aligned with the mission and legacy of ABC pastor, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The keynote preachers and speakers brought a wide diversity of experiences and perspectives, which I look forward to sharing with all of you. Learn More