Spiritually Inclusive


Welcome to worship at the Union Church in Waban. We are an inclusive faith community that is child cherishing, and mission and outreach minded. Whether you are sure in your beliefs or surely do not what to believe you are welcome here and our worship together is enriched by your presence.

It is with these words of welcome that we begin our worship service every Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. They are words we take very seriously. Our community was founded on the conviction that faith is too large to exclude. We are committed to a life of discipleship growing together in what it means to “love kindness, do justice and walk humbly with our God” (Micah 6:8).

To quote the words of Rev. Cutler, founding pastor of this faith community “Gathered in this household of faith from a great variety of denominational traditions and associations, for some of us were Baptists, or Presbyterians, Methodists, Unitarians, or Congregationalists, though for the most part we forget it and you all look alike to me – our family life has been all the richer and more interesting. We know perfectly well that there are lots of matters of opinion and belief concerning which no majority of us would be agreed at all – but what of it? And so, for one thing, we have been standing for tolerance in religious opinion – a tolerance which comes not from mere indifference but which maintains in non-essentials, liberty; in essentials, unity; in all things, charity.

“Perhaps we may say that the Idea of the Union Church in Waban is the principle of an Inclusive Church based upon the simplest terms of Christian discipleship.

The inclusive church makes discipleship to Jesus central and fundamental and welcomes, yes, claims, everybody who wants “to keep fellowship with Jesus and to learn how to live.” The Church of Christ is now, as it was in the beginning, just a group of folks anywhere, anytime, who have fallen in love with Jesus and His ideals of life, and are seeking to realize these ideals in all the relations of their lives. Wayfarers themselves they follow Him who is The Way.”

Our worship weaves together music, silence, word and prayer. We celebrate Communion on the first Sunday of each month as a whole family together with our children who return from Sunday School. We uphold the teaching of the “Priesthood of all Believers” and while our Pastor may leads us in worship most Sundays we believe we all have a voice to contribute and strive to make our worship reflect the expanse diversity among us by incorporating lay readers, adult and children’s choirs, our student minister and lay liturgists and preachers.

Monthly Worship at the Waban Health and Rehabilitation Center

Our commitment to and delight in being a spiritually inclusive faith community inspired us to take our worship outside the walls of our church and to gather with the residents of the Waban Health and Rehabilitation Center. On the third Wednesday of the month at 10:30 a.m. we share in a Protestant worship service of song, word, prayer and praise. It is a spirit drenched time of exploration, celebration, consolation and revelation. All are welcomed to share in this time. Please let our Pastor Stacy ([email protected]) know if you would like to join us.

Common Cathedral Worship

On Sunday, October 30th we will have the opportunity to worship with the un-housed congregation of Common Cathedral during their regular worship service on Boston Common. This very accessible celebration begins at 1:00 p.m. with a simple meal and then continues with Scripture reflection by the minister, as well as by the congregation, prayers, celebration of birthdays, the sharing of Communion, and lots of singing. If you are interested in participating in this worship on October 30th, please contact the church office at 617-527-6221 or [email protected].

Key Dates and Special Services

September 11th — Gathering Sunday. This our first Sunday of the 2016-2017 program year.  We will be welcoming and commissioning our field education student and will share in communion.

September 18th —  Blessing of the Backpacks during worship.  Children are invited to bring in their back packs for a special blessing. This is also Mission Sunday where you will be invited to learn about the many opportunities at UCW to put your faith in action.

October 2nd — World Communion Sunday.  We will share in worship with the Taiwan Presbyterian Church of Greater Boston.

October 30th —  Common Cathedral Worship at 1:00 on Boston Common

November 20th — Thanksgiving Sunday.  Worship will be filled with special music and the 4th graders will receive their Bibles.

November 27th — Hanging of the Greens/First Sunday in Advent

December 4th — Magnificat Sunday/Second Sunday in Advent

December 11th — Pageant Sunday/Third Sunday in Advent

December 14th — Blue Christmas Service at 7:00 p.m.

December 18th — Christmas Sunday/Forth Sunday in Advent

December 24th — Christmas Eve Service at 6:00 p.m.