The Union Church in Waban – Annual Meeting
June 5th, at 11:30 in the Vestry.
Please plan on staying after worship on June 5th for the annual congregational meeting of The Union Church in Waban. This is a wonderful time to get an over view of all the opportunities for involvement in our beloved community. If you are looking for a way to deepen engagement with UCW please reach out to your nominating committee that consists of Molly Owen-Kiritsy, Sandra DaDalt, Jim MacDonald, Annie Gatewood, Karen Weisgerber and Pastor Stacy.
At the annual meeting we will also vote on the recommendation to call an Associate Pastor for Children, Youth and Family Ministry, review and approve a budget for next year and vote on a slate of those being nominated to serve on Council and Deacons.
In addition, the Council will be bringing to the congregation for consideration two new bodies we are calling PACS (Planning Action Coordination and Support/Strategy). The Christian Education PACS would support and coordinate all the expansive array of programming for our children, youth and families and the Mission/Outreach PACS would support and coordinate all the amazing service opportunities and partnerships that enable us to put our faith in action. If approved, co-leaders of these PACS will also be brought forward for congregational vote.
We are one body and beloved members of it and we are called to serve the world. So we would ask you to consider these words from the Reverend and esteemed theologian Howard Thurman:
“Don’t ask what the world needs.
Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it.
Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
This church thrives because of your energy and involvement.
We hope it is also a place where you come alive!
A copy of the 2016 Annual Report can be found HERE
A copy of the 2015 Annual Meeting Minutes can be found HERE