Thank you all so much for submitting hymns for our hymnsing! We received so many suggestions that we won’t be able to include them all, so this list will become a resource for the worship team to use in planning services. Here are the songs that you all submitted!
“Be filled with the Spirit, singing songs, hymns, and spiritual songs. Sing and make music to God with your hearts always!” Ephesians 5:18b-19.
The Complete List
A Mighty Fortress is Our God | How Great Thou Art |
All Creatures of the Earth and Sky | I Love to Tell the Story |
All Things Bright and Beautiful | I Was There To Hear Your Borning Cry |
Amazing Grace | I Would Be True |
Awake My Soul Stretch Every Nerve | In the Bulb there is a Flower |
Be Not Dismayed | Jesus Christ is Risen Today |
Be Thou My Vision | Jesus Loves Me This I know |
Before The Throne of God Above | Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee |
Come Thou Font of Every Blessing | Lo how a Rose er’e Blooming |
Cornerstone | Man of Sorrows (Hillsong) |
Every Time I Feel the Spirit | Nearer My God To Thee |
For All The Saints | Now Thank We All Our God |
For The Beauty of the Earth | Pass It On |
Go Tell It On The Mountain | Praise to the Living God |
God Be With You Till We Meet Again | The Church’s One Foundation |
God Bless America | This is My Father’s World |
God of Grace and God of Glory | We Would Be Building |
God of the Sparrow, God of the Whale | Where Have All the Flowers Gone? |
Holy, Holy, Holy | Will the Circle be Unbroken |
Thanks again!