The time is now – a statement from our Advocates for Racial Justice

The murder of George Floyd, as yet another life lost in far too long of a line of murders of our Black siblings, is shattering. It is deplorable how, in our society, African American people are at risk and are vulnerable simply because of the color of their skin. The deep sin of racism in our land continues to decimate and terrorize.  The people in their anger and in their pain are crying out and need to be heard.  All of us in this nation are touched by and ensnared in the tendrils of racism that run deep and wide.  We must do all we can to unmask and oppose this racism that divides the people of God from one another.  We all have work to do and it is up to each of us how best to engage that work.  The Advocates of Racial Justice are committed to the long journey of seeking, understanding, and proclaiming the truth about our history-specifically, about slavery and white supremacy-so that we can be properly reconciled to one another and prepare the way for true peace, which is the presence of justice.  This is the work to which we are called and the work that must be done. If you want to join us in this journey, let us know. The time is now.   

Pastor Stacy and the Advocates of Racial Justice