Sunday May 23

10:00 a.m. Worship  (Online)

This Sunday we celebrate Pentecost, which some call the birthday of the Church! We remember that after Jesus ascended to heaven, God sent the disciples a powerful helper in the form of fire and wind. The Holy Spirit came to fill and transform them, equipping them with all they needed to share and receive the Good News of Jesus in new ways.

We are grateful to Jaap van Reijendam for preaching and leading worship this Sunday while Rev. Stacy is away. May our hearts and ears be open to Holy Spirit as we share in worship together!

To join worship on Zoom
Zoom Link: HERE
Meeting ID: 832 2059 8969
Passcode: 458322
Dial in only: 1 646 558 8656

The bulletin is available HERE

Continuing the “Space-Making” Conversation
This Sunday, May 23rd, Following Worship

A group of 15 members of the UCW community met after worship on April 11th for a discussion of Yale Divinity School’s seminar on space making by Rev. Phiwa Langeni. Interest in the topic was such that we decided to continue the conversation after worship this Sunday. All are welcome as we explore our understanding of gender identity, gender expression, and the aspirations of our church covenant.
…continue reading HERE

Bible Study
Sunday Mornings at 8:00

All are welcome
Join Zoom: HERE
Meeting ID: 885 0724 0203
Passcode: 584285