10:00 a.m. (In-person and Online via Zoom)
Pentecost Sunday – June 5th
Sunday Service: Please mark your calendars for this joyful Spirit-filled day, as we celebrate what many consider the birthday of the church. We’ll be led by our Exploring Our Faith students, as they share where the Spirit has led them this year. We will also share Communion, and invite any joining on Zoom to bring a bread or cracker and juice or water, so they can partake at home.
Annual Meeting: Please plan on staying after church this Sunday, online or in-person, for our Annual Meeting of the Congregation. (More details below.)
The bulletin is available HERE
Annual Meeting of the Congregation
This Sunday, June 5th, after Worship (Hybrid)
Please plan on staying after church on Sunday (online or in-person )
Agenda Items include:
- Receive oral reports of officers and committee chairs for fiscal year 2021-22 (July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022)
- Nomination of Slate of Officers and Committee members for fiscal year 2022-2023
- Adoption of Budget for the operation of the Church for fiscal year 2022-23
- and act upon any other business which may properly come before a business meeting of the Church.