Sunday, April 16 at 10:00 a.m. (Hybrid)
Eastertide & Blessing our Runners
In this first Sunday following Pastor Wendy’s departure, we will hold her in prayer and gather in the hope and promise of Easter. Pastor Amy will preach and share the story of doubting Thomas, and we will bless our Boston Marathon runners.
Zoom Link: HERE
Meeting ID: 826 8730 1128
Passcode: 386028
Dial in only: 1 646 558 8656
The bulletin is available HERE

Special Easter Collection
In this time of Easter, of Renewal, and of Celebration we are reminded of rebirth and of God’s Creation as we enjoy the beauty of Spring revealed.
We have the opportunity with our special Easter offering to support Green Newton (website here) and the work they do to combat climate change and improve our environment. In doing so they also work for climate justice for all and work for housing density to combat our current environmental crisis. If you would like to make a contribution to Green Newton, please use the link below.