Sunday, May 7 at 10:00 a.m. (Hybrid)
Welcome our Bridge Pastor, Rev. Jim Leavitt
Rev. Jim Leavitt preaching.
Congregational Meeting and Luncheon following worship.
We are delighted to welcome Rev. Jim Leavitt as our Bridge Pastor from May to mid-August. Please join us this Sunday to welcome him and share Communion. Please plan to stay for the Congregational Meeting and Luncheon, along with an important gathering about UCW and our Care of Creation Ministries . Please see below for more details.
Zoom Link: HERE
Meeting ID: 826 8730 1128
Passcode: 386028
Dial in only: 1 646 558 8656
The bulletin is available HERE
Congregational Meeting
Care of Creation, and Luncheon
Following Worship
Please plan to participate in the after church congregational luncheon meeting on May 7. We will welcome our new Bridge Pastor James Leavitt and after Bylaw business, will enjoy a presentation about a new Mission activity in Newton that is working on improving our environment. Our Bylaw business merits your consideration of important changes so that we can move ahead to prepare for our Annual Meeting and election of officers on June 4.
Based on recommendations of the Governance Task Force to increase involvement of the congregation in church activities, the Church Council proposes changes to the church Bylaws to:
a. increase number of congregational meetings,
b. reduce number of members of Council,
c. limit terms of leadership to increase opportunities for new members to take on roles, and
d. change membership of Nominating Committee to encourage more congregational involvement.
To review the changes that are recommended, see this link to the Bylaws: HERE
Many thanks to the members of the Governance Task Force: Alan Cody, Susan Gedrick, Karen Weisgerber, and Jaap van Reijendam.
If you are interested in serving as a church leader or on a committee, please let a member of the Nominating Committee know. See Pastor Amy Feldman, Jim MacDonald, Lisa Crockett, Jean MacDonald, Jenny Weisz, or Jaap van Reijendam.