Christ is risen indeed! At Union Church, we welcomed resurrection day with great joy: from sunrise worship to the last egg of the egg hunt (re-hidden by some of the Junior Youth Group members who gave up their own goodies to help a very young latecomer still have an exciting Easter), it was a day of great celebration.
The list of people whom we have to thank for such a beautiful Easter and blessed Holy Week is a long one, but I’m going to take a crack at it anyway. Judy N. and Alan C. for coordinating and placing Easter blooms, and everyone who contributed. Judy N. and all who contributed to reception. Soo L. and David and Jenny S. who stuffed easter eggs and all who contributed candy, plus Greg and Sam F. and Leila Q. who hid those eggs throughout the park. Tom H., who made sure we were all comfortable in the building all weekend. Brian H. and Jim M. who took the offering, and the Mission team for planning and sharing our Easter offering partner. Kevin J., Susan G., Soo L., every member of the bell and voice choirs, Robert C., and the guest musicians who led us in worship. Alex B., who hosted the Easter Zoom so our community could worship together across distance. Everyone who made pottery for us to use, break, and re-use in worship.
Children’s Ministry Associate Ileana M., who helped our children experience the wonder of the week. Music Director Mijin C., who shared and led outstanding musical offerings. Office Manager Aidan C., who produced three beautiful bulletins and four e-blasts in one week, and Holy Folders Judy M. and Jean W. who folded and stuffed some 300+ bulletins across three services. Pastor Amy, who prayed, sang, led worship, dreamed and planned, painted pottery, stuffed eggs, chose books, led mosaic-making, told me how everything works here for Holy Week, and a list of other things too long for the e-blast.
All of these people, and many more I’m sure I haven’t listed, embodied our Eastertide theme of Sharing From the Heart in how you contributed to the vibrant worship and spiritual life of this gathered, resurrection Body. It was truly an Easter to remember, church, and I feel so blessed to have been able to share it with all of you.
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