Pastos Amy: July 19, 2024

Rev. Megan

Rev. Amy
Clark Feldman

Pastor Amy
July 19, 2024

On Thursday, July 18th, travelers and members of UCW gathered to share learnings, photos, and stories from our recent service trip to Puerto Rico.  The trip at the end of June was transformative for the 20 members (mostly high school and college youth) who travelled.  Our host, Carlos (founder of The Happy Givers, Vega Baja) reminded us at the start of our week of the verses in Matthew 25  when Jesus shares that “whatever you do for one of the least of these… you did for me.”  Carlos asked us to look for presence of God in each of the beloved and resilient people we served.  In our service and the relationships we formed — new relationships in Puerto Rico, and deepened relationships among our group — we did indeed experience God’s love in new and transformative ways.  If you weren’t able to attend our gathering on Thursday (or if you were!), please take a moment to look at the presentation we shared by clicking on the link in the sidebar.  Ask questions and listen to stories of our travelers, and look ahead to the fall, when we hope to share a book and movie related to our experience.  May we all be led, inspired, and transformed by our youth and how they lived out their faith, serving, learning and growing together. 

Pastor Amy

Past Posts

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  • Pastos Amy: July 19, 2024
    Pastor Amy
    July 19, 2024
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