“All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.”
Acts 2:4
I was away from church last Sunday for a triathlon – my first race in about 12 years – and I felt as though I’d been transported to the Kingdom of God for the morning. I had forgotten how energizing the warmth and collegiality that surrounds a race can be. If you’re an athlete, or if you’ve spectated at the Marathon, you probably know what I mean. Even while competing, people tend to be supportive of one another.
On Sunday, people continually encouraged, congratulated, and got to know one another in the short time it took to pass on the bike or run. I stopped during the swim to be sure that someone treading and coughing was safe, and then someone else paused their own race to help me get loose from the wetsuit that was stuck around my shoulders as I transitioned to the bike. All throughout, I witnessed people checking in on and helping one another. The kindness that suffused the whole day, the sense that we were all part of something together, was what made it enjoyable throughout.
In worship this Sunday, we’ll hear some of the Apostle Paul’s (many) instructions for how to be together in community. As I experienced a community that formed and then dissipated over the course of one morning, I was reminded again of Paul’s exhortation to “always seek to do good to one another.” We seek to do good for those whom we already know in our church community, of course. And, our faith teaches us, we see glimpses of the Kingdom of God all around us, in which we recognize that all of God’s people, all of creation, are part of that community we are called to love and serve. One wetsuit sleeve, one “way to go,” one kindness at a time.
Pastor Megan
Past Posts
- From Our PastorsAmy Clark Feldman
February 7, 2025 I’ve been especially grateful this week for our eight-week series on Spiritual Resiliency. Truth-be-told, I’ve had moments of doubting my resiliency in the face of the on-slaught of news this week, with a desire to pull the covers over my head. Learn More - From Our Pastors: January 31, 2025Pastor Megan
January 31, 2025 We’ll read in this Sunday’s scripture passage about conflicts between Jesus and other Jewish religious leaders at the time over the observance of Sabbath restrictions. This, and other similar passages, have given rise to generations of interpretation that sets Jesus against religious authority, against Judaism, and against the Law. Learn More - From Our Pastors: January 24 2025Pastor Megan
January 24, 2025Staying Grounded
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January 17, 2025Spiritual Resilience
Last Sunday was the first in an 8-week worship series on Spiritual Resilience, where we will together explore how tools from Joanna Macy’s Work That Reconnects and from Christian scripture and tradition can help us all to foster spiritual resilience through challenging times.
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Advent is the season of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love; it is the season of anticipation and joy in the gift of Christ we already know has entered the world and is eternally present among us; it is, for many of us, a season of parties and gift-giving and whirlwind celebrations. Learn More - From Our Pastors: December 8 2024Pastor Megan
December 8, 2024
Advent is the season of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love; it is the season of anticipation and joy in the gift of Christ we already know has entered the world and is eternally present among us; it is, for many of us, a season of parties and gift-giving and whirlwind celebrations. Learn More