Tag: Maundy Tursday

Easter Sunrise Poetry, Music and Beauty
We’ll gather over Zoom for 10am Worship, but for Easter Sunrise — we invite you to share in these recorded offerings of music and poetry, as well as photos and prayers from Union Church members. Learn More

Easter Sunday April 12 2020
This inter generational service walks us through Holy Week from the Hosannas of Jesus entrance into Jerusalem to the silence of his lifeless body laid in the tomb. The service starts at 10:00 am but the zoom room will be open as of 9:45 if you would like to come early to greet each other. Also you are invited to make your own palms out paper or to venture out into nature to see if you can find some branches to wave. Learn More
Good Friday April 10, 2020
This inter generational service walks us through Holy Week from the Hosannas of Jesus entrance into Jerusalem to the silence of his lifeless body laid in the tomb. The service starts at 10:00 am but the zoom room will be open as of 9:45 if you would like to come early to greet each other. Also you are invited to make your own palms out paper or to venture out into nature to see if you can find some branches to wave. Learn More

Maundy Thursday April 9, 2020
This inter generational service walks us through Holy Week from the Hosannas of Jesus entrance into Jerusalem to the silence of his lifeless body laid in the tomb. The service starts at 10:00 am but the zoom room will be open as of 9:45 if you would like to come early to greet each other. Also you are invited to make your own palms out paper or to venture out into nature to see if you can find some branches to wave. Learn More