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From Our Pastors

Pastor Amy
July 19, 2024

On Thursday, July 18, travelers and members of UCW gathered to share learnings, photos, and stories from our recent service trip to Puerto Rico.  The trip at the end of June was transformative for the 20 members (mostly high school and college youth) who travelled. 

More… From Our Pastors

Flat Jesus

Summer 2024

Stay in touch with the UCW community, and remember that we are all part of one Body even as we travel separately from one another over the summer, by taking your very own Flat Jesus with you on your summer adventures!

More… Flat Jesus

Summer Services

Sundays in July at 10:00 a.m.
(In-Person & Zoom)

During the month of July we will gather on the stage downstairs for summer services at 10:00 a.m.

Our summer services will be lay-led and will focus on the parables of Jesus. Be sure to come and worship together in summertime joy!

More… Summer Services

Sunday June 30

June 30 at 10:00 a.m.
(In-Person & Zoom)

Join in person or online for the last worship service of the church year! We’ll reflect together on the Apostle Paul’s reminders for being in a loving community.

More… Sunday June 30

Sunday June 23

June 23 at 10:00 a.m.
(In-Person & Zoom)

Outgoing Co-Moderator Jaap van Reijendam will bless us with his preaching and worship leadership this week! Please note there will be no Sunday School this week while Pastor Amy and 20 members of our church are on our service trip to Puerto Rico.  

More… Sunday June 23

2024 Annual Meeting

Sunday, June 9 at 11:15 a.m.

Please plan to stay after worship on June 6th for our annual meeting. We will review the past year, vote on a proposed budget for next year and vote on the 2024 nominees for council.

Annual Report  Preview  
2023-24 Annual Report (including minutes from last year)  HERE

More… 2024 Annual Meeting

Pentecost Sunday

May 19 at 10:00 a.m.
(In-Person & Zoom)

We remember and welcome the coming of the Holy Spirit and the birthday of the church! It is a Spirit-filled Sunday, and we look forward to having you be part of it! Pastor Amy will be preaching and leading worship as Pastor Megan is away.

Don’t Forget to Wear Red!

More… Pentecost Sunday

The Seventh Sunday of Easter

May 12 at 10:00 a.m.
(In-Person & Zoom)

We’re back with our siblings, the saints of the early church, as we read more from the book of Acts in worship this Sunday. We’ll also observe Mother’s Day with a candle table prayer station during the Prayers of the People, and a reception hosted by the UCW men.

More… The Seventh Sunday of Easter

From Our Pastors

Pastor Megan
May 10, 2024

From the first silver dollar communion pancake hitting the griddle to the last conversations over evening clean-up, it was a good and pleasant day, made all the more so by how many beloved people of God came together for it.

More… From Our Pastors

From Our Search Committee!

May 3, 2024

We are delighted to celebrate the pastoral installation of Reverend Megan Berkowitz this Sunday, May 5, at 3:oo p.m. in the UCW Sanctuary.

We have been on a wonderful journey which began in February 2022 with the Transition Team and their work to identify who UCW is now, who is our neighbor, and who is God calling us to be.

More… From Our Search Committee!

From Our Pastors – April 26, 24

Pastor Megan
April 26, 2024

This week, I am on a professional development trip to Chicago, studying congregation vitality and spending time with other pastors from throughout the country. We are learning from non-traditional church settings, but the lessons these settings teach are ones that all communities can benefit from: how vital congregations remain focused on their “why,” rooted deeply in their shared faith.

More… From Our Pastors – April 26, 24

From Our Pastors – April 19, 2024

Pastor Amy
April 19, 2024

This past week, I traveled to Valley Forge, PA for a 3-day conference entitled “Space for Grace: Engaging Intergenerational Faith.” The conference was hosted by the same organization that is organizing our mission trip to Puerto Rico, the American Baptist Home Mission Society. ABHMS is strongly aligned with the mission and legacy of ABC pastor, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The keynote preachers and speakers brought a wide diversity of experiences and perspectives, which I look forward to sharing with all of you.

More… From Our Pastors – April 19, 2024

From Our Pastors – April 12

Pastor Megan
April 12, 2024

Exodus tells us that when it came time to build the Tent of Meeting according to the instructions Moses received at Sinai, God didn’t demand a tribute from the people. The Tent of Meeting and the Tabernacle inside of it were constructed of gifts from people with willing hearts and spirits.

More… From Our Pastors – April 12

Easter II

April 7 at 10:00 a.m.
(In-Person & Zoom)

Eastertide continues with our theme of Sharing From the Heart, and the Stewardship team will help us as we begin our pledge drive for this year.

More… Easter II

Wellspring Women’s Ministry

Wednesday, April. 24 at 6:30 pm
( In-Person)

We will meet in Littlehale meeting room. It will be a potluck gathering at the Union Church, so folks can sign up with our spreadsheet. Newcomers are welcome. If you are interested in learning more about Wellspring and to be added to the group mailing list, please contact

More… Wellspring Women’s Ministry

From Our Pastors – April 7

Pastor Megan
April 7, 2024

Christ is risen indeed! At Union Church, we welcomed resurrection day with great joy: from sunrise worship to the last egg of the egg hunt (re-hidden by some of the Junior Youth Group members who gave up their own goodies to help a very young latecomer still have an exciting Easter), it was a day of great celebration.

More… From Our Pastors – April 7

From Our Pastors

Pastor Megan
March 29, 2024

We’ve been following the Gospel of Mark throughout this year, hearing the stories of Jesus’ ministry, miracles, and, this week, trials in Jerusalem. At the end of Mark’s version of the Passion narrative, at about the time you will receive this email on Good Friday, the Gospel recounts Jesus’ final words from the cross: Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani? My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

More… From Our Pastors

From Our Pastors

Pastor Amy
March 22, 2024

In this holiest of weeks, we invite you to dwell even more fully in the story that is at the very sacred heart of our faith. Dwell with your community of faith, your church, as we enter Jerusalem with Jesus this Sunday (Palm Sunday), and remember how Jesus overturned tables of injustice and oppression and imparted final words of teaching and healing to his followers. 

More… From Our Pastors

Palm Sunday

Sunday, March 24th at 10:00 a.m.
(Hybrid Service)

We will share the special story of Holy Week  as we prepare our hearts for the hope of Easter. We hope you and your family will join in this special service.

More… Palm Sunday

Java Gents

Friday, March 22 at 7:00 a.m.

We will meet at Church in or just outside the big kitchen for a combination of hot and cold breakfast as well as coffee and juice. Come by for part or all but we try to end right on time as many of us will be off to work right after.

More… Java Gents

From Our Pastors – March 8

Pastor Megan
March 8, 2024

It was indeed good and pleasant to dwell together in unity with our siblings from the Boston Taiwanese Christian Church this past Sunday! We feasted together around the table twice – once during communion, and again during the reception they very lovingly prepared for us all to share.

More… From Our Pastors – March 8

Exploring Our Faith

High Schoolers are invited into our Exploring Our Faith (confirmation/baptism) series for high-school freshmen and sophomores (and any others who want to join!) this year.  We have fun, serve others, ask important questions, build meaningful relationships, and explore the role of faith in our lives.

More… Exploring Our Faith

From Our Pastors

Pastor Megan
March 1, 2024

“Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up..”

This verse comes from a section of scripture in which Paul is arbitrating a discussion among the faithful in Corinth about how to interact with the culture around them. They want a clear edict from him, want him to come down on their side (one side or the other), and instead Paul offers this bit of wisdom.

More… From Our Pastors

Bake Sale for Puerto Rico and Youth Mission Trip

Thank you!

The Youth would like to share a huge Thank You to everyone who contributed to our fundraiser for our Puerto Rico Mission Trip (June 22-29)!   Thanks to your generous donations of baked goods, your purchases of goodies, and your volunteer help, we were able to raise over $1000 to support our mission partners and provide scholarship funds for our kids who are traveling. 

More… Bake Sale for Puerto Rico and Youth Mission Trip

From Our Pastors

Pastor Megan
January 25, 2024

“Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up..”

This verse comes from a section of scripture in which Paul is arbitrating a discussion among the faithful in Corinth about how to interact with the culture around them. They want a clear edict from him, want him to come down on their side (one side or the other), and instead Paul offers this bit of wisdom.

More… From Our Pastors

From Our Pastors

Pastor Amy
January 12, 2024

The New Year often brings reflection about time. We say goodbye to the past year – sometimes gladly, sometimes with sadness. We welcome a new year, sometimes with hope, sometimes with trepidation. It can be a time for, if not resolutions, reflection, intention-setting, and preparation for the year ahead.

More… From Our Pastors

From Our Pastors

Pastor Megan
January 5, 2024

Leila and I scooted off to Mexico City on Christmas Day for our friends’ wedding. Before the trip, I was feeling a touch grouchy: Christmas Eve worship was so beautiful and joyful, and then I was going to spend the rest of my Christmas not celebrating but sitting on planes and waiting in airports.

More… From Our Pastors

Epiphany Sunday

Sunday, January 7th
Zoom On-line Service

In light of the latest predictions for snow overnight tonight and tomorrow (Sunday) morning, and in order to keep everyone as safe as possible, we will be moving our worship service to Zoom this week, using the usual Zoom link).

More… Epiphany Sunday

From Our Pastors – December 29, 2023

Pastor Amy
December 29, 2023

I had to laugh as I opened the door to my office for the first time this week after our Christmas Eve service. Our Christmas pageant whale, flowers, camel, and piles of costumes greeted me, along with paperwhite bulbs from our Longest Night service, lantern-makings from our children’s community art evening, printed packets of Christmas carols, and so much more.

More… From Our Pastors – December 29, 2023

Sunday, December 31

Sunday, December 31th
First Sunday After Christmas

Our First Sunday After Christmas worship will be held in the Memorial Chapel. We will remember the shepherds and the light that guided them on their journey, and consider our own journey towards God’s light in the new year.

More… Sunday, December 31

From Our Pastors – December 22

Pastor Megan
December 22, 2023

For nearly four weeks, we’ve celebrated the gifts of God promised to us, made manifest in Jesus, and shining forth in our lives. But God’s hope, peace, joy, and love aren’t about the destination of the manger; when we arrive on Sunday evening and celebrate the birth of the Christ child, it’s truly meant to be the start of something.

More… From Our Pastors – December 22

In-District Meeting

Monday, Jan. 29 at 6:45 p.m.

This meeting will be held at the Union Church in Waban. Join fellow community leaders from across your local Senate district. Participants will include, Sen. Cynthia Creem, Rep. Kay Khan, Rep. Ruth Balser, Rep. Alice Peisch. Let’s show up for housing and mental health justice!

More… In-District Meeting

Sunday, December 17

Sunday, December 17th
Intergenerational Worship
The Christmas Story!

This Sunday our beloved annual ALL-AGES telling of the Christmas Story worship and pageant will take place during our service. Everyone of all ages is invited to participate!

More… Sunday, December 17

Advent Wreath Making

Sundays, December 3 and 10
Following 10:00 a.m. Worship

We will hold our annual Advent Wreath-making workshop where you can make an Advent wreath for your home as we count the weeks to Christmas. We’ll provide all materials, but if you have a wire frame from years past, please bring it!

More… Advent Wreath Making

Lantern Making

Thursday, December 7
4:30 – 6:30 p.m.

Families are invited to drop into a special Lantern-Making event, where we will create lanterns to light our way through the season. All are invited and all materials provided — bring a friend! This event is perfect for all ages!

More… Lantern Making

Christmas Poinsettias

Order & Submit
Family and Friends Annual Dedications

Our annual Hanging of the  Greens service will be on Sunday, November 26, when we will decorate our Sanctuary with live plants. We are also preparing our annual Family and Friends Dedications list for inclusion in our Advent Sunday bulletins on December 10 and 17.

More… Christmas Poinsettias

Fall Clean-Up

Sat., Nov.18, 8:30 a.m. – Noon

It’s time for another outdoor church clean-up! So, if you regret missing the last one, or you just want to enjoy some outdoor fellowship, please come and help.

More… Fall Clean-Up

Sunday, October 15

Sunday, October 15th

Aided by the story of Ruth and Naomi, whose ancient wisdom speaks into the very present pain in our world, our worship this Sunday will explore the particular power of connections of love and friendship across ethnic, cultural, and religious boundaries.

More… Sunday, October 15

From Our Pastors – September 29

Pastor Megan
September 29, 2023

The first Sunday in October is celebrated as World Communion Sunday all throughout the world. We celebrate the ties that bind us to one another, as Christians, even in the face of our many differences. When we do so, we live into the prayer Jesus offered for his disciples and for those of us who would learn from them, throughout the many generations: “that they may all be one.”

More… From Our Pastors – September 29

Sunday, October 1

Sunday, October 1th
Worship and Celebration

This weekend we celebrate World Communion Sunday with churches across the globe, remembering that, no matter what else may divide us, we are One Body of Christ, knit together by the love of God. Join us for this special service and celebration of Communion.

More… Sunday, October 1

Sunday, September 24

Sunday, September 24th
Worship and Celebration

We are delighted to begin a new season of Exploring our Faith (confirmation/baptism) for 9th and 10th graders this year! We have a wonderful calendar of gatherings, retreats, and service opportunities planned, and will commission our students and their this Sunday. If you have a 9th or 10th grader and haven’t been in touch with Pastor Amy, please reach out to her at [email protected].

More… Sunday, September 24

This Fall

We are excited to kick-off this new season in the life of our church and hope you and your family will join us.

We welcome our new Senior Pastor, Rev. Megan Berkowitz, connect with friends and community; and enter this new year with hope, faith, and joy.

Our Sunday School for children and youth will also resume this Fall.

More… This Fall

Blessing Of Backpacks

This Sunday, September 17th at 10:00 a.m.

(Followed by Mission & Children, Youth, and Families Fair at 11:00 )

Be sure to bring your backpacks, laptops, briefcases, lunch boxes, walking shoes – whatever needs blessing as we begin this new year! – to worship this Sunday.

More… Blessing Of Backpacks


Wednesday, September 27 at 6:30 pm

Wellspring will be starting up again on Wednesday evening September 27 at 6:30 pm. It will be a potluck gathering, so folks can bring whatever they would like. Newcomers are welcome.

More… Wellspring